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401k Fees Matter?

Do you know how much you are paying in 401(k) fees?

Do you know how much your current 401(k) vendor is charging?

Do you know how much your advisor/broker is charging you???

If you answered NO to any of these questions then Take the PIVOTAL step to lowering your fees and let us show you how much you are paying in 401(k) hidden fees and if they are reasonable!

To receive your COMPLIMENTARY 401(k) Fee Analysis:

Complete the request form to the right of this text. Once we receive your information, we will reach out to you to have you securely email us your 408(b)(2) Plan Sponsor Fee Disclosure document. If you don’t have a copy of your fee disclosure statement, you can request one from your plan provider, who is obligated under ERISA Section 408(b)(2), to supply it to you.

View a Sample Fee Comparison

Great Links from U.S. Department of Labor (DOL):


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