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Clarke D. Hedrick, CFP®

Clarke D. Hedrick, CFP®


Clarke’s passion for finance began in the 1970s when he helped his grandmother manage her stock portfolio, preparing detailed financial reports. This early exposure to investing ignited a lifelong interest in numbers and the power of strategic financial planning.

After earning a BBA in Marketing from Pace University, Clarke started his career in sales before transitioning to financial services. He specialized in group health and pension benefits for small and midsize businesses, gaining valuable expertise in health insurance, dental, vision, life insurance, and Medicare planning.

In 1993, Clarke founded Financial Networking, Inc. and Corner Stone Investment Advisors, marking the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey. In 2004, he earned his Certified Financial Planner™ designation, further strengthening his expertise. By 2007, driven by a desire for greater independence, he launched Pivotal Financial Services, where he continues to provide unbiased financial and benefits planning to businesses and individuals.

With a strong focus on employee benefits planning, Clarke helps businesses navigate the complexities of healthcare, vision, dental, life insurance, and retirement planning, with a particular expertise in Medicare strategies. His goal is to empower employers and employees to make informed decisions that maximize their benefits and financial security.

Clarke is an active member of the Financial Planning Association (FPA), the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA), and the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries (ASPPA). He lives in Suffolk County, NY, with his wife, Joy, after raising their two daughters, and remains dedicated to guiding others on their financial journey.


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